MEMORANDUM On the Suspension of Classes for 14 September 2018 (Friday)

MEMORANDUM On the Suspension of Classes for 14 September 2018 (Friday) In anticipation of the possible onslaught of Typhoon Ompong in Northern Luzon and after due consultation with the Urdaneta City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, I hereby declare the suspension of classes in all levels, both public and private, on 14 September 2018, continue reading : MEMORANDUM On the Suspension of Classes for 14 September 2018 (Friday)


  No library is complete and the budget is not unlimited. Therefore, the Urdaneta City Library accepts donations from the community members. The intellectual interests of the donor are shared to the future generations.  The acceptance of gifts’ donations for the city library strengthens the relationship between the library and the community. The Urdaneta City continue reading : URDANETA CITY LIBRARY: COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY


URDANETA CITY TURNS 20 Urdaneta City marks its historic 20th City Charter Anniversary on March 18-24, 2018 by celebrating its centenarians and service partners as well as its various advocacies. A Thanksgiving Mass officiated by Bishop Jacinto Jose on March 18 kicks off the festivities. The next day, March 19, the City Schools Division of continue reading : URDANETA CITY TURNS 20